Friday May 17 marked, the red carpet in Dallas, Texas, for the premiere of the highly anticipated documentary "The War...
“The public school has become the established church of a secular society.” -Ivan Illich (1926-2002) I’ll admit when I first...
“Texas is a blend of valor and swagger.” -Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) circa 1950: American poet Carl Sandburg (1878 - 1967),...
HOUSTON (AP) — A Texas judge has ruled in favor of a Republican candidate challenging the results in a 2022 judicial race...
3.1 The theory of evolution cuts off the connection between gods and humans 3.2 The theory of evolution violates the...
Laredo, TX – Democratic U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar, who serves Texas’s 28th congressional district, has been indicted on charges of...
Exclusive Interview: Texas State Senator Angela Paxton Talks Family, Education, and Protecting Kids from Inappropriate Content with The Texas Insider...
Rational Thinking on The Phenomenon of God’s Existence Humanity has had a tradition of believing in God for thousands of...
For thousands of years, the traditional cultures of various countries have had similar understandings of God and Creation. Legends and...